- Divide into pairs. One participant is wearing a blindfold. The other is told by the leader (in a whisper or in a note) what the pair is supposed to draw, for example a house, boat, a tree, a cat or something else (not too difficult). The “artist” does not know what is to be drawn.
- The other person, who knows what is to be drawn, explains and guides the blindfolded person through verbal instructions: “draw a line to the left or right” etc. The “instructor” cannot guide the hand of the artist (duration approx. 5 minutes).
- When time is up, remove the blindfold and have a look at the result.
- To continue the exercise, switch roles, asking for a new drawing assignment.
- Finish the exercise by showing the drawing to the whole group of participants.
Follow-up question: How did you like the task? How did working together function? Was it difficult to keep calm when the drawing went awry?
(English translation: John Anthony)