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The wind is blowing

This energizer is fun, but can also be used as a catalyst for reflections on similarities and differences.


  • The group sits on chairs in a circle with one person standing in the middle (no empty chairs). The person in the middle says “The wind is blowing… on everyone who wear earrings!” Everyone who wears earrings, including the person asking the question, has to stand up and run across the circle to find a new seat.
  • There will be one person left in the middle who has to ask the next question: “The wind is blowing on everyone who... ". There are endless possibilities to proceed with. The wind can blow on everyone who: wears glasses; likes ice cream; has brown hair; likes horror movies; is a girl; enjoys summer holidays, has a pet, has been to France, likes pizza, has blue pants and so on.

This energizer is fun, but can also be used as a catalyst for reflections on similarities and differences. An introductory question can be to ask what can be learned from the exercise.

Conclusion: This exercise illustrates that all human beings have something in common, but may also differ when it comes to the clothes we like to wear, our experiences, dreams, what we like to eat, what we do in our spare time and so on.

We are all unique and complex individuals with the same inherent human dignity. We must respect each other. "All equal – all different!"

(English translation: John Anthony)