TwoHuman rights are fundamental rights that every human being is entitled to. The underlying ethical values behind the vision of human rights are human dignity and equality.
The idea that all human beings are entitled to some fundamental human rights dates far back into history. The need for people to formulate human rights grew out of the need to protect individuals from arbitrary abuse, violations and discrimination perpetrated by those in power.
Human rights were written down as legally binding obligations for state authorities for the first time during the American (1776) and French (1789) revolutions (1776). In time, different human rights became a part of many state constitutions (for example the Norwegian constitution in 1814).
In the modern notion of human rights, the states have the main responsibility to respect, promote and protect human rights for their populations.
The atrocities that occurred during the Second World War led to the establishment of the United Nations (UN) at the San Fransisco Conference in 1945. The Nazi concentration camps and the systematic discrimination and killings of Jews, Sinti and Roma, homosexuals and many other groups were important factors behind the UN decision that human rights should be an important part of the mandate of the new global organisation. Hence, the UN Charter clearly speaks of "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without any distinction as to race, sex, language or religion" (Art. 1, para.3.). Since the state representatives at the San Fransisco Conference did not have time to define the content of the human rights, it was set up a Human Rights Commission which got the task to draft an "International Bill of Rights".
The UN Human Rights Commission, led by Elanor Roosevelt, drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights over a two-year period. The Commission consisted of 18 state representatives from all over the world, all with different cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds. At any time during the process, the 38 remaining UN member countries that were not on the Commission, had the opportunity to submit their own proposals. They also received drafts for comments and had a number of opportunities to make statements in the comprehensive negotiations that took place in the UN while the General Assembly was in session from September to December 1948.
Drafting the document was a long and difficult process, but in Paris on 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as a common standard of rights for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time in history, fundamental human rights that are to be universally protected.
The Declaration consists of a preamble and 30 articles, setting forth the human rights and fundamental freedoms to which all men and women, everywhere in the world, are entitled to, without any discrimination.
The Universal Declaration is generally agreed to be the foundation of international human rights law. It is a milestone document because it formed the foundation on which to build an expanding system with the aim of promoting and protecting human rights for all people.
The Declaration has been translated into over 500 languages and holds the Guinness World record as the most translate document.