For many years, through projects in Norway and abroad the Human Rights Academy has developed and implemented teaching programmes that build democratic competence and increase respect for human rights. Our close collaboration with organisations, teachers and activists in more than 15 countries in Europe has also given us access to new and exciting methodology. Our ToolKit consists of the best and most thoroughly tested activities!
The education activities focus on the following topics:
An important aim in using participatory methodology is that the activities are carried out in a group where the individual’s experience and competence are both relevant and used.
Learning in groups is based on the assumption that learning is a social process. Knowledge, values, attitudes and responsibility are addressed through interaction and learning in a context, not just through individual processes. The participant is a person-in-activity and person-in-situation. This is an exploratory, exciting and inspiring way to learn.
The active methods are suitable for teaching children and young people, but also adults. Groups that have challenges with more traditional teaching will especially benefit from participatory teaching.
The activities in the ToolKit have been developed by the Human Rights Academy. The Vild design agency is responsible for the visual design of the website. The Toolkit has been produced with funding from the Lennox Foundation (USA). English translation by John Anthony.